Donat Mg | Natuurlijk Magnesium water | 1.0L

Normale prijs €3,45

Inclusief belasting.

 Natuurlijk bronwater, rijk aan magnesium. Zeer heilzame eigenschappen toegedicht.

Uit de bron van kuuroord Rogas¡ka Slatina Spa in Slovenia komt sprankelend mineraal water, rijk aan magnesium, sodium en waterstofcarbonaat.

Al meer dan 100 jaar genieten Slovenen van de gezondheids bevorderende eigenschappen die aan dit unieke water worden toegedicht. Het wordt gebruikt als middel tegen maagzuur-, maag- en darmklachten, menstruatiepijn, hoofdpijn en zelfs katers.


Voor informatie over de aanbevolen gezondheidsbevorderende kuren, bekijk dit overzicht van Roskas Medical Center


From the springs of the Rogas¡ka Slatina Health Spa in Slovenia comes a sparkling mineral water rich in magnesium, calcium, sodium and hydrogencarbonate.

For over 100 years, Slovenians have enjoyed the health-giving properties of this unique water and many have used as a remedy for heartburn, stomach and bile problems, menstrual pain, headaches and even hangovers.

Donat MG is unique mineral water, containing 13 g of dry matter per litre, 1040 mg of which is magnesium. Due to the extremely high levels of minerals required for a healthy life, this wonderful medicinal mineral water is the world's richest in magnesium.

Chemically, Donat Mg mineral water is magnesium-sodium-hydrogen carbonate-sulphate-acidulous with 50 millimoles of magnesium per litre.

The positive effects of Donat Mg mineral water on one's health have been scientifically proven. It has been shown to act against stomach acid and stimulate the emptying and biliary secretion of juices of the pancreas. Minerals are absorbed in the small intestine; healthy kidneys eliminate any surplus of absorbed minerals.

The most important is magnesium, which is a coenzyme in 300 metabolic processes in the body and is especially important in membrane transport systems, the decomposition of glucose, the formation of the energy substance ATP and in the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids.

In the colon, Donat Mg mineral water acts as a laxative. During the excretion of excess minerals through the kidneys, changes in the urine also occur. The ratio between magnesium and calcium is increased, as is the ratio between citrate and oxalate, which has a favourable effect on the prevention of the reformation of calcium sulphate kidney stones.
(Source Rogaska Medical Center )